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  • Magneter

    Eg skal til å bygge om nokre CD-ROM motorar. I den samanheng lurer eg på kva magnetar som er best, og kva er forskjelen mellom dei ulike?

    for eksempel
    N45 H

  • #2

    jeg har kjøpt mine magneter fra Starke Magnete online kaufen -

    der har de noen som er spes. for cd.rom motorer
    Quadermagnete Neodym kaufen – extrem stark -

    og de er av typen N48.

    Når det gjelder betydningen av disse så er dette det jeg fikk fra samme nettsted (fritt oversatt av

    Questions to neodymium supermagnets ? ? previous FAQ topic FAQ overview next FAQ topic? What means the instruction N40, N42, N45 etc.? How strongly does this magnet cling? Where are the supermagnets actually manufactured? Can I bore a hole in the magnets? Does the magnet become weaker with the time? How are supermagnets disposed? Is it health harmless to carry a bracelet or a halskette from magnet balls? What means the instruction N40, N42, N45 etc.? The designation N40, N42, N45, N45H etc. is a measure for the quality of the used magnet material. One can read off from it two things: 1. How much "Magnetenergie" per volume in this magnet material 2. up to which temperature the magnet is stored to be used can The number (e.g. 40, 42, 45) corresponds approximately to the maximum energy product of the magnet (in MGOe). The letter N, m, h and/or the letters SH, EH or UH say somewhat out about the maximum application temperature, which can be with 80, 100, 120, 150, 180 or 200 °C. Most of our magnets begin with one "N" and are to be used to 80 °C. If we colloquially of "Staerke" a magnet talk, mean we usually either the haftkraft with direct contact with a metal plate or the attraction on a piece iron (or another magnet) at a certain distance. For these "Staerke" however not alone the used magnet material is decisive, but just as important is also the volume of the magnet, which form of the magnet, which proportions of the magnet (e.g. the relationship from diameter to thickness with a disk magnet) as well as the combination with other materials, thus e.g. whether the magnet is installed onto a piece metal or even in a metal pot or however "freistehend" is. Something similar applies also regarding the application temperature. The indicated maximum temperature can be used problem-free only if aspect ratios of the magnet "optimal" are. If a magnet is e.g. very thin in relation to its diameter (or side length), then is already in former times reached the maximum temperature. With 2 magnets of different size and magnetization from our assortment usually the volume difference is more crucial as the difference by the magnetization for the strength. Therefore the larger magnet is usually the stronger one, even if its magnetization characteristic number is somewhat smaller. The exact connections between this characteristic number and the physical values of a magnet find you in the table 'Kennzahlen of the SuperMagnete'.


    • #3
      Takk for svar

      Korleis er det med toll og andre "ekstrakostnader. " når du bestillte frå Starke Magnete online kaufen - ?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Lord Lars
        Takk for svar

        Korleis er det med toll og andre "ekstrakostnader. " når du bestillte frå Starke Magnete online kaufen - ?
        Dersom verdien av varene er under NOK 200,- får du det tollfritt rett i postkassen. Porto er 5,50 euro. Forsendelsen tar 3-4 dager.

        Fred Larssen


        • #5
          Ron Van Sommeren sa for en stund siden at det er stor variasjon i styrken til magnetene som er kraftigere enn N45, de er unøyaktige, og derfor anbefales N45 til hjemmelagde motorer. Jeg har ikke merket noe spesielt selv, men det kan jo stemme.


          • #6
            Siden finnes ikke
            Er det slike dere snakker om?


            • #7
              Originally posted by tahustvedt
              Ron Van Sommeren sa for en stund siden at det er stor variasjon i styrken til magnetene som er kraftigere enn N45, de er unøyaktige, og derfor anbefales N45 til hjemmelagde motorer. Jeg har ikke merket noe spesielt selv, men det kan jo stemme.
              Variasjoner forekommer nok uansett styrke. Her er en enkel sak man kan lage for å måle og matche magneter:

              Inexpensive magnetic flux (gauss) meter - RC Groups

              Fred Larssen

