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    hei fant denne går det å oppgradere denne. Jeg har Aerofly Professional. eller går det ikke for meg å oppgradere?????
    https://<br /> http://www.aerofly.d...portantinstall

    Update Version for the old AeroFly Pro Versions (V1.2.x and Expansion Pack)

    Important note:
    This is a critical update. Users with a Pentium-4 CPU and Hyper-Threading must download this update!

    Click here to get the AeroFly Professional Update to Version (672kB).

    This update is compatible with all AeroFly Professional Version 1.2.x as well as the Expansion pack. This update is NOT compatible with AeroFly Professional Deluxe Version or higher.

    Installation (also read here):
    Run the downloaded file, you don’t have to copy this file to a specific location on your hard drive. This update program will automatically locate the AeroFly Professional installation directory.

    IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ. Properly installing AeroFly Professional.

    There has been a lot of confusion lately on how to correctly install AeroFly Professional, the Expansion Pack as well as this Update. Please follow the following order to properly install AeroFly. Failing to do so will result in a corrupted installation and a complete uninstall might be necessary.

    * First install the blue and yellow CD which is the main Aerofly Professional software. It has a version number of V1.2.x printed on it.
    * Next install the Expansion Pack CD if you have it. The Expansion Pack must be loaded before you install any patches or updates or you will have to go through the uninstall process.
    * At last you need to install this update.

    Uninstalling AeroFly Professional

    * Go into the windows control panel Add or Remove Programs and remove any Aerofly Professional programs.
    * Next you need to go into the Windows Explorer and delete the IPACS folder which is located by default on your local disc C under Program Files.
    To get into Windows Explorer you right click on the Windows Start button and choose Explorer All Users. Choose the local disc C if there is a plus sign next to it make it a minus sign. Next scroll down to where you see a folder called Program Files, if there is a plus sign next to it make it a minus sign. Next scroll down and find the folder called IPACS right click on it and delete it.
    Flyr du opp kommer du alltid ned!!

  • #2
    Folk hadde sikkert satt pris på om du gav en kort beskrivelse i Tema feltet slik at de vet hva det dreier seg om ikke bare at du lurer på noe... Da slipper folk som ikke har svar/vet noe om Temaet å bruke masse tid på å lese tråder de ikke kan bidra i...
    Ikke vondt meint liksom, bare til info
    Espen Melby

    :D-- Fuel leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.... ("Noen" vil ha meg til å endre denne, bare glem det! ;) ) --:D


    • #3
      Altså, jeg vil tro at de fleste som allerede har aerofly pro klarer å finne frem til denne siden på egenhånd. Det er ikke som om ipacs har forsøkt å gjemme den.

      Hva var forresten poenget ditt?

      Med forbehold om dårlige dager:

      Svein Skogen

